Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 16: Something amiss...

Well, the milonga chat was definitely better than last week, but I'm still not conversing with much ease. Then again, maybe a dark room with loud music isn't the best place to practice after just 15 days of lessons. I'll try the 'milonga test' again closer to the end and see if I can glide from tango to tango on a wave of smooth latino conversation.

Today's lesson was full of good stuff for clothes shopping (well, good for my Spanish skills, bad for my credit card...) but there are two weird things which seem a bit amiss with the series...

First of all - how good is this David's spanish anyway? Because at the very beginning he says that he has really basic Spanish - actually, he admits that his vocab stretches to 'hola' and that's about it. But every so often he comes out with words or phrases that we definitely haven't learned in the lessons. Once or twice Jimena has said "oh, where did you learn that" and he'll say that he read it on the back of a carton of soup or something, but most of the time he just throws in these advanced words that a beginner definitely shouldn't know. It's just a bit depressing because you feel like "we're in it together" and then he says something we've never learned and you're like "hey, that's not fair!" I mean ok, I know there's probably a script, but the poor struggling student watching the lesson doesn't want to know that!

Learn Spanish With Bueno, entonces... Screen

And secondly, can he or can't he see the whiteboard?? Sometimes, Jimena will speak in Spanish and he'll say "lucky the translation is on the magic whiteboard, or else I wouldn't understand that." And then sometimes she speaks in Spanish - and it's translated on the whiteboard - but he'll say "what does that mean? I have no idea what you're saying." Hmmm, the unsolved mysteries of Bueno, entonces...

Luckily, in general the whole thing is really funny and useful so these little slips are ok (for now...!)

I may just be in a rant-y mood because that beautiful tango guy from last week wasn't there last night. How do you say "of course I'm not heartbroken" in Spanish...?!

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